Average salaries in Hungary and the minimum salaries in Hungary are lower than in any of the other EU country in the central Europe (including Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia), according to a report by news site nepszava.hu.
Official statistics state that average net monthly salary in Hungary is only EUR 701 while minimum monthly net wage is EUR 305, which is much lower that in neighboring countries (Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic where the minimum wage is highest in the region and it amounts EUR 432).
In the automotive industry, which a key driver of the Hungarian economy, the average wage in Hungary amounts to EUR 1,118 per month.
Like in other countries Managers, especially top manager earn the most. They are followed by workers in IT and leasing industry. Lowest salaries are in the Hungarian agricultural sector, in education and in the sector of arts.
In the table below, you can see the list of average monthly salaries by industry where employee work. Please note that values given below represent gross salaries.
Industry | in HUF | In EUR |
Top Management | 1,027,684.00 | 3,114.19 |
Leasing | 642,214.00 | 1,946.10 |
Management | 612,914.00 | 1,857.32 |
Information Technology | 583,154.00 | 1,767.13 |
Technology, Development | 576,772.00 | 1,747.79 |
Telecommunications | 509,123.00 | 1,542.80 |
Law & Legislation | 465,559.00 | 1,410.78 |
Pharmaceutical Industry | 458,362.00 | 1,388.98 |
Quality Management | 449,972.00 | 1,363.55 |
Banking | 448,132.00 | 1,357.98 |
Economy, Finance, Accountancy | 433,872.00 | 1,314.76 |
Electrical & Power Engineering | 426,698.00 | 1,293.02 |
Insurance | 424,571.00 | 1,286.58 |
Mechanical Engineering | 416,778.00 | 1,262.96 |
Construction & Real Estate | 414,387.00 | 1,255.72 |
Human Resources | 401,991.00 | 1,218.15 |
Car Industry | 401,308.00 | 1,216.08 |
Commerce | 393,403.00 | 1,192.13 |
Public Administration, Self-governance | 392,721.00 | 1,190.06 |
Marketing, Advertising, PR | 392,668.00 | 1,189.90 |
Mining, Metallurgy | 387,535.00 | 1,174.35 |
Production | 387,210.00 | 1,173.36 |
Chemical Industry | 355,136.00 | 1,076.17 |
Translating, interpreting | 344,680.00 | 1,044.48 |
Customer Support | 341,729.00 | 1,035.54 |
Security & Protection | 325,356.00 | 985.93 |
Transport, Haulage, Logistics | 319,187.00 | 967.23 |
Administration | 312,531.00 | 947.06 |
Journalism, Printing Arts & Media | 306,727.00 | 929.48 |
Water Management, Forestry, Environment | 306,480.00 | 928.73 |
Medicine & Social Care | 295,895.00 | 896.65 |
Agriculture, Food Industry | 284,177.00 | 861.14 |
Education, Science & Research | 277,864.00 | 842.01 |
Arts & Culture | 264,400.00 | 801.21 |
Service Industries | 263,674.00 | 799.01 |
Tourism, Gastronomy, Hotel Business | 259,970.00 | 787.79 |
Wood Processing Industry | 233,809.00 | 708.51 |
Textile, Leather, Apparel Industry | 197,890.00 | 599.67 |
General labor | 186,639.00 | 565.57 |
Source: https://www.workania.hu/ |
Although minimum wages are raised in 2019 by almost 8 per cent, they are still low comparing to neighboring countries.
To get a net salary, you should deduct following costs payable by the employee:
1. Healthcare contribution for in kind fund – 4%
2. Healthcare contribution for financial allowance fund – 3%
3. Pension fund contribution – 10% and
In total these deduction amount around 18-20% of the gross salary and they are payable by the employee. On top of the gross salary there are contributions payable by the employer (which are close to 20% of the gross salary) but these contributions are not included in the above listed values.