What are the average salaries in the Netherlands ?

Comparing to other European economies workers in the Netherlands are well paid with high average salaries. Logically salaries correspond to the experience and profession of the employees. Bear in mind that average salaries written below are just for an indicative purposes and doesn’t necessary mean that salary you receive will be in that amount.



Average salaries in the Netherlands by age groups

According to the 2017 Macro Economic Outlook (Macro Economische Verkenning) by the Centraal Planbureau (CPB), in 2016 the median gross income for a person working in the Netherlands was 36.500 euros annually, or 2.816 euros gross per month. A salary can vary greatly from the median income as it is influenced by age, sector, and professional experience and hours worked. We explore some of these factors in the table’s below. Average salary in the Netherlands by age


Age group Annual income (gross)
15 – 25 years 11.900 euros
25 – 35 years 30.600 euros
35 – 45 years 38.400 euros
45 – 55 years 40.200 euros

Source: CBS, year: 2013

Entry-level Salaries in the Netherlands

Below is an overview of entry-level salaries in the Netherlands. These amounts are based on the average starting salaries of Dutch high school and university graduates one and half years after they completed their studies.

Starting salaries by industry

Sector Monthly salary (gross)
Visual arts 1.300 euros
Art history / archeology 1.800 euros
Physiotherapy 2.000 euros
International business / languages 2.050 euros
Retail management / small business 2.150 euros
Industrial design 2.200 euros
Accountancy 2.300 euros
Management / economics / law 2.300 euros
Artificial intelligence 2.400 euros
Business / business economics 2.500 euros
IT 2.700 euros
Fiscal economics 3.000 euros
Medicine 3.200 euros
Dentistry 4.000 euros

Source: Gemideld Inkomen

Minimum wage in the Netherlands

The legal minimum wage (minimumloon) in the Netherlands is based on age and is revised every six months in line with inflation. The minimum wage is based on a full-time employee working between 36-40 hours a week.

Minimum wage in euros from January 1, 2017 (in Gross amount)

Age Per day Per week Per month
20 years 44,04 220,20 954,25
21 years 51,92 259,60 1.124,90
22 years 60,87 304,35 1.318,85
23 & older 71,61 358,05 1.551,60